Chess teaches our students to be patient, to think and to be logical. Chess is not always about winning sometimes it is just about learning and so is life. This is what we instill in our students and this enable them to learn with an open mind.
Cooking with the Kirkman students is not just about ingredients, recipes and cooking it’s about increasing imagination, empowerment and teaching them the sill of creativity.
Music is a vital part of life at Kirkman Schools. It has been proven that music benefits young children as music education involves a high level of memorization. We have a great music department with staff who are confident and comfortable encouraging students to participate in and create music. Our aim is to develop appreciation of the beauty that is in music and produce individuals who can use their skills to inspire others and make a living doing what they love.
Kirkman Group of Schools has a lively and dynamic Arts and Crafts department. There are numerous arts and crafts activities that children can participate in that will help in the physical and social development of kids. Art on its own promotes innovation and creativity, encourages self-expression and makes a child more resourceful and versatile. These are all skill sets required to make it in todays’ world.
Public speaking is the art of diluting a two minute idea with a two hour vocabulary. This has been a tool we have always used to build and boost our learner’s confidence, critical thinking, vocabulary and communication skills.
I.C.T has been used worldwide to improve the teaching learning process and it has undoubtedly made the education system more effective and interesting. At Kirkman Schools, I.C.T has made it possible for students to keep learning no matter where they are especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking. The purpose of this club is to inspire inquiry and curiosity, to empower students to ask thought provoking questions that promote creativity and exploration and to connect their problem-solving to real world solutions.
Like the famous poet Joseph Adison said, ‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.’ Reading truly is beneficial for students as it stimulates the mind and strengthens the knowledge bank of information. It also improves the fluency in both the foreign and mother tongues.